The first week of 2010 started off nicely for the markets with indices closing near 22-month-high. On the BSE, the Sensex ended 0.43 per cent or 75 points higher at 17,540 and the Nifty on the NSE inched up by 0.84 per cent or 44 points to 5,245. However, the real action was in midcap and smallcap stocks, both the BSE Midcap and smallcap indices moved up by 3.4 per cent and 4.1 per cent. Strong FII buying and positive comments from the Prime Minister that India will return to 9-10 per cent growth rate kept the sentiment positive. Whether the market can sustain and bui-ld on last year's gains will depend on corporate earnings, the government's willingness to keep reforms on fast track and no negative surprises from global markets. Near-term direction of markets will depend on third quarter earnings season. For the week ahead, chartists predict a trading band of 17,160-18,000 for the Sensex and 5,080-5500 for the Nifty. Immediate supports exist at 17,320 and 17,080 and 5,160 and 5,080. Expect resistance to the indices on upside at 17,740 and 17,960 and 5,330 and 5,420. The directional movement could be negative in short term, if the indices fall below 17,200 and 5,175. The movement of indices in narrow range clearly indicates that individual stocks would do better than the indices. A strong rupee triggered selling pressure in IT stocks. However, the results of Infosys will set the tone for the sector in the week ahead. Savvy players are buying into Wipro, OFSS, Tech Mahindra, Moser Baer and Mphasis. Buy Mphasis for a target price of Rs 825. The profit booking in auto stocks likely to be short lived. Use sharp declines to accumulate Ashok Leyland and M&M. Metal and cement stocks are likely to continue their upward journey after a mild sell off. Ahead of RBI's credit policy review, heightened activity indicated in banking counters. Buy private banks like Axis Bank and Kotak Bank for short term gains. Realty stocks are beginning to show good strength. Hold Unitech, IBREL and DLF for gains. Among the side counters, India Infoline, Petronet LNG, Sun TV, Nagarjuna Const. and HCC are good for a target of Rs 175, Rs 90, Rs 390, Rs 195 and Rs 185. Sebi's plan to standardise lot sizes for F&O stocks would make it convenient for the traders to remember lot sizes and improve volumes in the derivative segment. @====================================@ We started new yahoo groups and free msgr service Please join with BUZIBIZ New Yahoo msgr ID : @====================================@ << Don't forget to bookmark it. Ctrl+D Please visit daily, I update my site many times a day....!>> |
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